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Geothermal gas geochemistry in Southeast Tibetan Plateau margin influenced by magma chambers and fractures

A novel design for continuous measurement of CO2 from deep remineralization of petrogenic organic carbon


Lien, W.-Y., Chen, C.-T., Lee, Y.-H., Su, C.-C., Wang, P.-L., and Lin, L.-H. (2025) Two-stage oxidation of petrogenic organic carbon in a rapidly exhuming small mountainous catchment. Communications Earth and Environment, 6, 45. Co-supervised PhD and master work (leading) 這篇論文研究運用拉曼光譜解析卑南溪流域各類物質之岩石源有機物的石墨化程度,探討微生物岩石源有機質氧化作用發生的產狀與造成的光譜特徵變化,並進一步推算此作用產生二氧化碳的通量。中文介紹於此連結 #river-marine continuum


Chen, J.-N., Chiu, Y.-P., Tu, T.-H., Italiano, F., Wang, P-L. and Lin, L.-H. (2024) Variations in microbial community compositions and processes imposed under contrast geochemical contexts in Sicilian mud volcanoes, Italy. Front. Microbiol. 15, 1461252. Co-supervised postdoc and master work (leading) 這篇論文研究接續過去運用台灣場域產生的概念,進一步擴及至義大利西西里島泥火山,結合地球化學與分子生物的手段,嘗試解析不同地球化學特徵,如何影響微生物族群的組成與作用。中文介紹於此連結 #mud volcanoes


Bicaldo, I.E.C., Padilla, K.S.A.R., Tu, T.-H., Chen, W.T., Mendoza-Pascual, M.U., Vicera, C.V.B., de Leon, J.R., Poblete, K.N., Austria, E.S., Lopez, M.L.D., Kobayashi, Y., Shiah, F.-K., Papa, R.D.S., Okuda, N., Wang, P.-L. and Lin, L.-H. (2024) The methane-oxidizing microbial communities of three maar lakes in tropical monsoon Asia. Frontiers in Microbiology, 15, 1410666. #methane cycle

Lin, Y.‐S., Huang, W.‐J., Lin, L.‐H., Lan, T., Shao, H.‐J., Su, C.‐C., et al. (2024). Sources and flux of dissolved inorganic carbon in the hydrothermally active corner of a backarc basin (southwestern Okinawa Trough). Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 129, e2023JC020429. #hydrothermal system


Tung, C.-C., Lin, Y.-H., Liao, J.-X., Tu, T.-H., Liu, J.T., Lin, L.-H., Wang, P.-L., and Wei, L.-C. (2024) Contrasting carbon cycling in the benthic food webs between river-fed, high-energy canyon and upper continental slope. Biogeosciences, 21, 1729-1756. #river-marine continuum

Wang, P.-L., Tu, T.-H., Lin, L.-H., Chou, H.-L., Wang, Y.-J., Chen, J.-N., Wang, L.-Y., Chang, J.-M., Chu, M.-F., Hsu, Y.-C., Chang, C.-P., Wu, Y.-M., Lin, Y.-T., and Ke, C.-C.. (2024) Microbial communities modulate chemical weathering and carbon dioxide cycling in an active orogen in Taiwan. Communications Earth and Environment, 5, 174. Co-supervised postdoc and master work (leading) 這是第一篇運用地球化學與分子生物技術解析微生物作用於活動造山帶化學風化的角色與其對碳循環的影響,中文介紹於此連結 #river-marine continuum

Lin, Y.-T., Rumble, D., Young, ED., Labidi, J., Tu, T.-H., Chen, J.-N., Pape, T., Bohrmann, G., Lin, S., Lin, L.-H., and Wang, P.-L. (2023) Diverse origins of gases from mud volcanoes and seeps in tectonically fragmented terrane. Geochem.Geophys. Geosyst., 24, e2022GC010791. Co-supervised PhD and postdoc work (leading) 這是第一篇運用叢集同位素(甲烷與氮氣)與多重同位素系統(氦、二氧化碳、水)分析台灣造山帶與西南海域泥火山的氣體與流體成因,中文介紹於此連結  #mud volcanoes


Chen, N.-C. Yang, T. F., Liou, Y.-H., Lin, H.-T. T., Hong, W.-L., Lin, S., Su, C.-C., Lin, L.-H. and Wang, P.-L. (2023) Controlling factors on patterns of dissolved organic carbon and volatile fatty acids in a marine mud volcano offshore southwestern Taiwan. Front. Earth Sci., 11, 1210088. . Co-supervised postdoc work (leading) #mud volcanoes


Lu, Y.-C., Song, S.-R., Liu, L.-W., Peng, T.-R., Chen, B. B.-C., Tu, R. K.-C., Lin, L.-H., Wang, P.-L. (2023) Applicability of carbonate clumped isotope thermometry in the Tuchang–Jentse geothermal field. Geothermics, 112,102728. #geothermal energy


Wang, S.-L., Lin, Y.-S., Wang, P.-L., and Lin, L.-H. (2022) Radiocarbon and stable carbon isotope constraints on the propagation of vent CO2 to fluid in the acidic Kueishantao (KST) shallow water hydrothermal system. Geochem.Geophys. Geosyst., 23, e2022GC010508. #hydrothermal system

Chen, C.-T., Lo, C.-H., Wang, P.-L., and Lin, L.-H. (2022) Extensional mountain building along convergent plate boundary: Insights from the active Taiwan mountain belt. Geology, 50, 1245-1249. #Taiwan tectonics


Tu, T.-H., Chen, L.-L., Lin, L.-H., Wu, L.-W., Italiano, F., Shyu, J.B.H., Raisossadat, S.-N., and Wang, P.-L. (2022) Biogeographic pattern of microbial communities inhabiting terrestrial mud volcanoes across the Eurasian continent. Biogeosciences, 19, 831-843. Co-supervised postdoc and master work (leading) 我們採集並分析跨越歐亞大陸一萬公里空間尺度陸域泥火山的微生物族群,我們的發現顯示儘管任一泥火山族群組成是高度多樣性的,不同泥火山間的族群差異大於泥火山內的族群差異,並呈現大於海洋或是土壤環境的距離控制,呈現隨機控制之微生物生物地理特徵 #mud volcanoes


Chen, J.-H., Chyi, S.-J., Yen, J.-Y.*, Ho, L.-D., Lüthgens, C., Wang, P.-L., Lin, L.-H., Yen, Y.-C., Jen, C.-H. and Huang,J.-J. S. (2021) Holocene fluvial landscape evolution by sea-level change and tectonic control in the Gangkou River of Hengchun Peninsula. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 32, 339-360.


Lin, Y.-S., Lin, H.-T., Wang, B.-S., Huang, W.-J., Lin, L.-H., and Tsai, A.-Y. (2021) Intense and variable autotrophic activity in a rapidly flushed shallow-water hydrothermal plume (Kueishantao Islet, Taiwan). Geobiology, 19, 87-101. #hydrothermal system


Shi, L.-H., Yuan, J.-Y., Lin, L.-H., Liu, X.-S., Jin, F.-F., Wang, P.-L., and Chen, X.-G. (2020) Gas geochemistry of hot springs at the Tengchong field, southwest China: controlled by the spatial distribution of magmatic chamber. J. Volcano. Geotherm. Res., 402, 106998. #hydrothermal system


Mau, S., Tu, T.-H., Becker, M., Ferreira, S. C., Chen, J.-N., Lin, L.-H., Wang, P.-L., Lin, S., and Bohrmann, G. (2020) Methane seeps and independent methane plumes in the South China Sea offshore Taiwan. Front. Mar. Sci. 7, 543. volcanoes


Chen, N.-C., Yang, T. F., Hong, W.-L., Chen, H.-W., Chen, H.-C., Hu, C.-Y., Huang, Y.-C., Lin, S., Su, C.-C., Liao, W.-Z., Sun, C.-H., Wang, P.-L., and Lin, L.-H. (2020) Discharge of deeply rooted fluids from submarine mud volcanism in the Taiwan accretionary prism. Sci. Rep., 10, 381. Supervised Ph.D. work (leading) 我們運用泥火山剖面孔隙水地化資料,配合反應—傳輸耦合數值模型,獲得流體與甲烷通量於單一泥火山空間的變化,並進一步推估隱沒帶的流體收支與成因 #mud volcanoes


Lin, Y.-S., Lee, J., Lin, L.-H., Fu, K.-H., Chen, C.-T. A., Wang, Y.-H., and Lee, I.-H. (2020) Biogeochemistry and dynamics of particulate organic matter in a shallow-water hydrothermal field (Kueishantao Islet, NE Taiwan), Mar. Geol., 422, 106121. #hydrothermal system


Lin, Y.-T., Tu, T.-H., Wei, C.-L., Rumble, D., Lin, L.-H., and Wang, P.-L. (2018) Steep redox gradient and biogeochemical cycling driven by deeply sourced fluids and gases in a terrestrial mud volcano. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol., 94, fiy171. Co-supervised Ph.D. and postdoc work (leading) 我們運用微電極測量陸域泥火山表層溶氧剖面與其他地化特徵,以探討甲烷、硫化物與有機碳循環的驅動力,並透過微生物族群組成分析,探討構造運動對於泥火山微生物族群組成的影響 #mud volcanoes


Rumble, D., Ash, J., Wang, P.-L., Lin, L.-H., Lin, Y.-T., and Tu, T.-H. (2018) Resolved measurements of 13CDH3 and 12CD2H2 from a Taiwan mud volcano. J. Asian Earth Sci., 167, 218-221. 我們首次將叢集同位素分析技術運用於台灣陸域泥火山,以探討甲烷成因 #mud volcanoes


Chang, N.-N., Lin, L.-H., Tu, T.-H., Jeng, M.-S., Chikaraishi, Y., and Wang, P.-L. (2018) Trophic structure and energy flow in a shallow-water hydrothermal vent. PLoS ONE, 13, e0204753. Co-supervised postdoc work (leading) 我們首次將氨基酸氮同位素分析技術運用於龜山島海底熱泉生態系統的,以探討怪方蟹與其他生物群的食物鏈關係與能量轉移 #hydrothermal ecosystem


Magnabosco, C., Lin, L.-H., Dong, H., Bomberg, M., Ghiorse, W., Stan-Lotter, H., Pedersen, K., Kieft, T. L.,vanHeerden, E., and Onstott, T. C. (2018) The biomass and biodiversity of the continental subsurface. Nature Geoscience, 11, 707-717. 我們參與了全球地下微生物系統微生物質量、分佈、組成、控制變因的推估 #subsurface microbial ecosystem


Tu, T.-H., Wu, L.-W., Lin, Y.-S., Imachi, H., Lin, L.-H. and Wang, P.-L. (2017) Microbial community composition and functional capacity in a terrestrial ferruginous, sulfate-depleted mud volcano. Frontiers in Microbiology, 8, 2137. Co-supervised postdoc work (leading) 我們運用孵育試驗結合多源基因體分析,探討陸域泥火山甲烷氧化作用於添加不同電子接受者所產生的效應 #mud volcanoes


Chen, N.-C., Yang, T. F., Hong, W.-L., Chen, H.-W., Chen, H.-C., Hu, C.-Y., Huang, Y.-C., Lin, S., Lin, L.-H., Su, C.-C., Liao, W.-Z., Sun, C.-H., Wang, P.-L., Yang, T., Jiang, S.-Y., Liu, C.-S., Wang, Y. and Chung, S.-H. (2017) Production, consumption, and migration of methane in accretionary prism of southwestern Taiwan. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 18,2970-2989. https://doi:10.1002/2017GC006798. Supervised Ph.D. work (leading). 我們分析且統整兩百多根海洋岩心與孔隙水的化學,並考慮伴隨隱沒作用造成的有機物裂解與揮發性流體的產生,推估算台灣西南海域的甲烷通量、收支與循環機制,這項工作是奠基在過去燦堯實驗室超過十年於天然氣水合物工作的成果,並結合了多個實驗室與地調所分工合作與堅持 #mud volcanoes


Lee, C.-Y., Chen, M.-L., Ditchfield, P., Pollard, A. M., Lin, L.-H., Wang, P.-L., Lin, H.-M., Lo, C.-H., and Tsai, H.-K. (2017) Dietary reconstruction of the Iron Age population at Fantzuyuan site, Taiwan, revealed by isotopic analysis onhuman and faunal bone collagen. Archaeol. Res. Asia, 9, 34-43. #geo-archaeology


Lee, C.-Y., Chen, M.-L., Lin, L.-H., Ditchfield, P., Wang, P.-L., Lin, H.-M., Pollard, A. M., Lo, C.-H., and Tsai, H.-K. (2016) Paleodietary pattern of the Yuan-Shan Neolithic people in Taiwan: Evidence from carbon and nitrogen stable isotopic analyses of human skeletons and faunal remains. J. Archaeol. Anthropol., 75, 109-138. #geo-archaeology


Lee, C.-Y., Chen, M.-L., Ditchfield, P., Lin, L.-H., Wang, P.-L., Pollard, A. M., Lin, H.-M., Lo, C.-H., and Tsai, H.-K. (2016) Diet and subsistence mode of Neolithic Yuan-Shan people in Taiwan: Perspective from carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses of bone collagen. Archaeol. Res. Asia, 7, 18-27. #geo-archaeology


Wang, S.-L., Burr, G. S., Wang, P.-L., Lin, L.-H. and Nguyen, V. D. (2016) Tracing the sources of carbon in clay minerals: an example from western Taiwan. Quat. Geochron., 34, 24-32. Supervised Ph.D. work (leading). #Taiwan tectonics


Chang, C.-H., Wei, C.-C., Lin, L.-H., Tu, T.-H., and Liao, V. H. (2016) Humic acids enhance the microbially mediated release of sedimentary ferrous iron. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 23, 4176-4184.


Kieft, T. L., Onstott, T. C., Ahonen, L., Aloisi, V., Colwell, F. S., Engelen, B., Fendrihan, S., Gaidos, E., Harms, U., Head, I., Kallmeyer, J., Lin, L.-H., Long, P. E., Mills, H., Moser, D. P., Reese, B., Sar, P., Schulze-Makuch, D., Stan-Lotter, H., Wagner, D., Wang, P.-L., Westall, F., and Wilkins, M. J. (2015) Workshop to develop deep life continental scientific drilling projects. Sci. Drilling, 19, 43-53.我們很榮幸參與我的指導老師針對探勘陸域環境地下微生物生態系統進行鑽探所主辦的研討會,與會人員討論了這主題最為關鍵且重要的科學問題,台灣海陸過渡帶更獲選為具備重大價值的鑽探目標,這研討會也促成了於 2019 年針對全球陸域地下生態系統生物質量估算的文章發表 #subsurface microbial ecosystems


Cheng, T.-W., Lin, L.-H., Lin, Y.-T., Song, S.-R., and Wang, P.-L. (2014) Temperature dependent variations in sulfate-reducing communities associated with a terrestrial hydrocarbon seep. Microb. Environ., 29, 377-387. Co-supervised (leading). 我們利用關子嶺沈積物樣本當作生物源,進行硫酸還原孵育實驗,以了解族群組成與硫酸還原速率於不同溫度的變化,藉以探討深部生物圈與硫循環的特徵 #mud volcanoes


Lin, L.-H., Wu, L.-W., Cheng, T.-W., Du, W.-X., Lin, J.-R., Yang, T. F., Chen, P.-C., Wang, Y. and Wang, P.-L. (2014) Distributions and assemblages of microbial communities along a sediment core retrieved from a hydrate-bearing region offshore southwestern Taiwan. J. Asian Earth Sci., 92, 276-292.


Wu, L.-W.*, Lin, L.-H., Lees, D. C. and Hsu, Y.-F. (2014) Mitogenomic sequences effectively recover relationships within brush-footed butterflies (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). BMC Genomics, 15, 468. Supervised postdoc work (leading).


Wang, P.-L., Chiu, Y.-P., Cheng, T.-W., Chang, Y.-H., Tu W.-X., and Lin, L.-H. (2014) Spatial variations of community structures and methane cycling across a transect of Lei-Gong-Hou mud volcanoes in eastern Taiwan. Frontiers Microbiol., 5, 121.


Cheng, T.-W., Wang, P.-L., Song, S.-R., and Lin, L.-H. (2013) Segregated planktonic and bottom-dwelling archaeal communities in high-temperature acidic, sulfuric ponds of the Tatung Volcano area, northern Taiwan. Terr. Atmos. Ocean.Sci., 24, 345-356. Supervised Ph.D. work (leading).


Cheng, T.-W., Chang, Y.-H., Tang, S.-L., Tseng, C.-H., Chiang, P.-W., Chang, K.-T., Sun, C.-H., Chen, Y.-G., Kuo, H.-C.,Wang, C.-H., Chu, P.-H., Song, S.-R., Wang, P.-L., and Lin, L.-H. (2012) Metabolic stratification driven by surface and subsurface interactions in a terrestrial mud volcano. ISME J., 6, 2280-2290. Co-supervised Ph.D. work (leading).


Ling, Y.-C., Chen, Y.-J., Sun, C.-H. Cheng, T.-W., Wang, P.-L., and Lin, L.-H. (2012) Potential of microbial methane formation in a high-temperature hydrocarbon seep. Appl. Geochem., 27, 1666-1678. Supervised master work (leading).


Wang, S.-W., Liu, C.-W., Lu, K.-L., and Lin, L.-H. (2012) Biogeochemical cycling of ferric oxyhydroxide affecting As partition in groundwater aquitard. Environ. Geochem. Health, 34, 467-479.


Chang, Y.-H., Cheng, T.-W., Lai, W.-J., Tsai, W.-Y., Sun, C.-H., Lin, L.-H. and Wang, P.-L. (2012) Microbial methane cycling in a terrestrial mud volcano in eastern Taiwan. Environ. Microbiol., 14, 895-908. Co-supervised master work (leading).


Wang, P.-L., Wu, J.-J., Yeh, E.-C., Song, S.-R., Chen, Y.-G. and Lin, L.-H. (2010) Isotopic constraints of vein carbonates on fluid sources and processes associated with the ongoing brittle deformation within the accretionary wedge of Taiwan. Terra Nova, 22, 251-256.


Silver, B. J., Onstott, T. C., Rose, G., Lin, L.-H., Ralston, C., Sherwood Lollar, B., Pfiffner, S. M., Kieft, T. L., and McCuddy, S. (2010). In situ cultivation of deep subsurface microorganisms in a mafic sill: implications for SLiMEs. Geomicrobiol. J., 27, 329-348.


Chivian, D., Alm, E. J., Brodie, E. L., Culley, D. E., Dehal, P. S., DeSantis, T. Z., Gihring, T. M., Lapidus, A., Lin, L.-H., Lowry, S. R., Moser, D. P., Richardson, P., Southam, G., Wanger, G., Pratt, L. M., Andersen, G. L., Hazen, T. C., Brockman, F. J., Arkin, A. P., and Onstott, T. C. (2008). Environmental genomics reveals a single-species ecosystem deep within the Earth. Science, 322, 275-278.


Sherwood Lollar, B., Voglesonger, K., Lin, L.-H., Lacrampe-Couloume, G., Telling, J., Abrajano, T. A.,  Onstott, T. C. and Pratt, L. M. (2007). Hydrogeologic controls on episodic H2 release from Precambrian fractured rocks - Energy for deep subsurface life on Earth and Mars. Astrobiol., 7, 971-986.


Wang, P.-L., Lin, L.-H., Yu, H.-T., Cheng, T.-W., Song, S.-R., Kuo, L.-W., Yeh, E.-C., Lin, W., and Wang, C.-Y.. (2007) Cultivation-based characterization of microbial communities associated with deep sedimentary rocks from TCDP drilled cores. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 18, 395-412.


林立虹 (2007) 在黑暗處尋找生命的精彩:探訪深部地殼生物圈, 自然科學簡訊,第十九期,第23-26頁。


Lin, L.-H., Wang, P.-L., Rumble, D., Lippmann, J., Boice, E., Pratt, L., Sherwood Lollar, B., Brodie, E., Hazen, T.,Andersen, G., DeSantis, T., Moser, D. P., Kershaw, D. and Onstott, T. C. (2006) Long-term sustainability of a high energy,low diversity crustal biome. Science, 314, 479-482.


Gihring, T. M., Moser, D. M., Lin, L.-H., Davidson, M., Onstott, T. C., Morgan, L., Milleson, M., Kieft, T. L., Trimarco,E., Balkwill, D. L., and Dollhopf, M. E. (2006) The distribution of microbial taxa in the subsurface water of the KalahariShield, South Africa. Geomicrobiol. J., 23, 415-430.


Lin, L.-H., Gihring, T., Sherwood Lollar, B., Boice, E., Pratt, L., Lippmann-Pipke, J., Bellamy, R. E. S. and Onstott, T.C. (2006) Planktonic microbial communities associated with fracture-derived groundwater in a deep gold mine of South Africa. Geomicrobiol. J., 23, 475-497.


Onstott, T. C., Lin, L.-H., Davidson, M., Mislowack, B., Borcsik, M., Hall, J., Slater, G., Ward, J., Sherwood Lollar, B., Lippmann-Pike, J., Boice, E., Pratt, L., Pfiffner, S., Moser, D. P., Gihring, T., Kieft, T. L., Phelps, Vanherden, E., Litthaur,D., T. J., DeFlaun, M., and Rothmel, R. (2006) The origin and age of biogeochemical trends in deep fracture water of the Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa. Geomicrobiol. J., 23, 369-414.


Sherwood Lollar, B., Lacrampe-Couloume, G., Slater, G. F., Ward, J. A., Moser, D. P., Gihring, T. H., Lin, L.-H., and Onstott, T. C. (2006) Unravelling abiogenic and biogenic sources of methane in the Earth's deep subsurface. Chem. Geol.,226, 328-339.


Moser, D. P., Gihring, T. M., Brockman, F. J., Fredrickson, J. K., Balkwill, D. L., Dollhopf, M. E., Sherwood Lollar, B., Pratt, L. M., Boice, E., Southam, G., Wanger, G., Baker, B. J., Pfiffner, S. M., Lin, L.-H., and Onstott, T. C. (2005) Desulfotomaculum spp. and Methanobacterium spp. dominate a 4-5 km deep fault. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 71, 8773-8783.


Kieft, T. L., McCuddy, S. M., Onstott, T. C., Davidson, M., Lin, L.-H., Pratt, L., Boice, E., Sherwood-Lollar, B.,Lippmann, L., Pfiffner, S. M., Phelps, T. J., Gihring, T., Moser, D., and van Heerden, A. (2005) Geochemically generated, energy-rich substrates and indigenous microorganisms in deep, ancient groundwater. Geomicrobiol. J. 22, 325-335.


Lin, L.-H., Hall, J., Lippmann, J., Ward, J. A., Sherwood Lollar, B., Moser, D. P., Gihring, T., DeFlaun, M., Rothmel, R. and Onstott, T. C. (2005) Radiolytic H2 in the continental crust: Nuclear power for deep subsurface microbial communities. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. doi:10.1029/2004GC000907.


Lin, L.-H., Wang, P. L., Lo, C. H., Tsai, C. H. and Jahn, B. (2005) 40Ar-39Ar thermochronological constraints on the exhumation of ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic rocks in the Sulu terrane of eastern China. Intl. Geol. Rev., 47, 872-886.


Lin, L.-H., Slater, G. F., Sherwood Lollar, B., Lacrampe-Couloume, G. and Onstott, T. C.  (2005) The yield and isotopiccomposition of radiolytic H2, a potential energy source for the deep subsurface biosphere. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta,69, 893-903.


Ward, J. A., Slater, G.F., Moser, D., Lin, L.-H., Lacrampe-Couloume, G., Bonin, A., Davidson, M., Hall, J., Mislowack,B., Bellany, R. E. S., Onstott, T. C. and Sherwood Lollar, B. (2004) Microbial hydrocarbon gases in the WitwatersrandBasin, South Africa: Implications for the deep biosphere. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 68, 3239-3250.


Lippmann, J., Stute, M., Torgersen T., Moser, D. P., Hall, J., Lin, L.-H., Borcsik, M., Bellamy, R E. S., and Onstott, T. C.(2003) Dating ultradeep mine waters with noble gases and 36Cl, Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa. Geochim.Cosmochim. Acta, 67, 4597-4619.


Lin, L.-H., Onstott, T. C. and Dong, H. (2000) Backscattered 39Ar loss in fine-grained minerals: Implications for 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of clay. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 64, 3965-3974.


Wang, K. L., Chen, C. H., Chung, S. L., Lin, L. H., Lo, C. H., Yang, T. F. and Lee, H.-Y. (2000) Field occurrence,40Ar/39Ar dating and petrochemical features of volcanic successions in Mienhuayu off NE Taiwan. J. Geol. Soc. China,43, 217-233.


Wang, P. L., Lin, L.-H., and Lo, C. H. (1998) 40Ar/39Ar dating of mylonitization in the Tananao schist, eastern Taiwan. J. Geol. Soc. of China, 41, 2, 159-183.


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